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Objective(expr, _constructive=False)

Bases: Expression


An Objective is automatically created when an Expression is assigned to .minimize or .maximize

>>> m = pf.Model()
>>> m.A, m.B = pf.Variable(lb=0), pf.Variable(lb=0)
>>> m.con = m.A + m.B <= 10
>>> m.maximize = 2 * m.B + 4
>>> m.maximize
<Objective size=1 dimensions={} terms=2>
objective: 2 B +4

The objective value can be retrieved with from the solver once the model is solved using .value.

>>> m.optimize()
>>> m.maximize.value

Objectives support += and -= operators.

>>> m.maximize += 3 * m.A
>>> m.optimize()
>>> m.A.solution, m.B.solution
(10.0, 0.0)
>>> m.maximize -= 2 * m.A
>>> m.optimize()
>>> m.A.solution, m.B.solution
(0.0, 10.0)

Objectives cannot be created from dimensioned expressions since an objective must be a single expression.

>>> m = pf.Model()
>>> m.dimensioned_variable = pf.Variable({"city": ["Toronto", "Berlin", "Paris"]})
>>> m.maximize = m.dimensioned_variable
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Objective cannot be created from a dimensioned expression. Did you forget to use pf.sum()?

Objectives cannot be overwritten.

>>> m = pf.Model()
>>> m.A = pf.Variable(lb=0)
>>> m.maximize = 2 * m.A
>>> m.maximize = 3 * m.A
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: An objective already exists. Use += or -= to modify it.
Source code in pyoframe/
def __init__(
    self, expr: SupportsToExpr | int | float, _constructive: bool = False
) -> None:
    self._constructive = _constructive
    if isinstance(expr, (int, float)):
        expr = Expression.constant(expr)
        expr = expr.to_expr()
    self._model = expr._model
    if self.dimensions is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Objective cannot be created from a dimensioned expression. Did you forget to use pf.sum()?"

value property

The value of the objective function (only available after solving the model).

This value is obtained by directly querying the solver.