Accessing the solver
Accessing model attributes
Pyoframe lets you read and set solver attributes using model.attr.<your-attribute>
. For example, if you'd like to prevent the solver from printing to the console you can do:
We support all of PyOptInterface's model attributes as well as Gurobi's attributes (only when using Gurobi).
>>> m.optimize()
>>> m.attr.TerminationStatus # Read a PyOptInterface model attribute (available with all solvers)
<TerminationStatusCode.OPTIMAL: 2>
>>> m.attr.Status # Read the Gurobi model attribute (available with Gurobi only)
Accessing variable and constraint attributes
Similar to above, Pyoframe allows directly accessing the PyOptInterface or the solver's variable and constraint attributes.
If the variable or constraint is dimensioned, the attribute can accept/return a dataframe instead of a constant.
Accessing model parameters (Gurobi only)
Gurobi supports model attributes (see above) and model parameters (full list here). You can read or set model parameters with model.params.<your-parameter>
. For example: